Out Now! New Fiction Sep. 2020

A short lyrical account of a far-future city, pining for a savior from the stars…

The dark, suspenseful tale of a misanthropic widow facing off in a battle of wits and magic against a certain wolfish visitor…

My two newest stories are out this month!

“The Sound of Her Clarion Thunder” appears in Issue 4 of the flash fiction and poetry ‘zine Frozen Wavelets. This one had its genesis in my writing group’s just-for-fun flash fiction contest and Ray Bradbury’s “Rocket Summer.” You might hear some echoes of that classic in the story’s opening, but from there I think you’ll see it takes quite a different turn. You can read it here.

You can find “Knock, Knock Wolf” in Footsteps in the Dark, the latest release from Flame Tree’s popular Gothic Fantasy series. You might call it a witch vs. werewolf story, or maybe a chilling sequel of sorts to Little Red Riding Hood. Whatever it is, I think you’ll find it the perfect read for a chilly autumn evening! I’m really delighted to be in such great company, both contemporary and classic. You can get your copy of the book here.

Announcement: New Fiction, Coming Soon!


I’m very pleased to announce that I’ll have a new short story appearing in the upcoming anthology, Footsteps in the Dark, from Flame Tree Publishing’s Gothic Fantasy series. These beautiful books collect classic stories from some of the greats alongside new stories from current authors–including, now, yours truly!

The story is called “Knock, Knock, Wolf,” and I hope it will keep you on the edge of your seat. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I look forward to telling you a little more about the story-behind-the-story when it comes out (June in the UK, August in the US).